Religions Organized For Terror Documentary By Hollywood Producer Joseph Bonner To Premier In July

With movie theaters closed, it seems like finding a good movie to watch is harder to do, however, as movie giants are moving releases to on-demand, the trend seems to be catching on, and just in time for one Hollywood Producer. Joseph Bonner had been planning his much-anticipated documentary release for several months, but when COVID-19 hit, his production plans were almost eliminated, as he and other Hollywood producers had to figure out how to keep movie releases on schedule and still respect the state-mandated closure.
"Halting production was simply not an option," Bonner revealed to Legend Magazine this week. He added, "we had to find a way to keep production moving and so the interviews we planned had to be pre-recorded via video."
His interviews include two sexual abuse survivors who shared their story on how the Catholic church knew beforehand of their abusers and chose to ignore the evidence that resulted in the sexual assault of many children.
"Religions Organized For Terror" is the name of this controversial documentary that exposes the role religious leaders from Christendom, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism play in the 21st centuries in sexual abuse scandals, terrorism and global genocide.
"It also covers the past 100 years where religious leaders have taken advantage of the masses to push their own political and religious agenda, Joseph states. It covers documented incidents of genocide and terrorism internationally instigated by religious leaders from multiple major denominations. "I fearlessly tell the truth and don't care if people like it or now, Joseph adds.
In addition to COVID-19, Joseph relates another problem he recently ran into after releasing the trailer on LinkedIn. "Hours after releasing the trailer on LinkedIn, they banned my account, claiming I posted a racist video about Chinese. I find that funny since I own a Chinese Radio Network. That's like saying the owners of BET are racist against blacks, which of course if ridiculous," Joseph relates. "I will pursue litigation if the account is not activated soon. If need be, under the Civil Rights Act Title VII and Civil Rights Act of 1866, section 1981. I will also file according to federal and international regulations as censoring a documentary like this is also a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I will also pursue a defamation lawsuit and fraud if LinkedIn cannot verify how this "supposed racist video" was posted on my account," Bonner adds.
But LinkedIn is not the focus with this documentary. According to sources, longtime talk show host Dr. Phil is also reportedly targeted for comments he made on his show seeming to favor and take sides with a suspected pedophile in 2018.
When it comes to fearlessly telling the truth, it appears that Joseph Bonner means business. Not even COVID-19, the social media giant LinkedIn or even Hollywood stars are a deterrent for this fearless producer. When expressing why he chose to do this documentary he simply said, "enough is enough."
"Religions Organized For Terror" is set to release on Amazon Prime July 7, 2020, but Bonner is ready for the obstacles and will also release the documentary simultaneously on 20 independently owned online television stations.