Children have not been spared in recent attack on Jehovah's Witnesses

Over 40 incidents of aggression against Jehovah’s Witnesses perpetrated by authorities and others after the Russian Supreme Court labeled them as extremists and illegally liquidated the Witnesses’ Administrative Center in Russia along with 395 Local Religious Organizations they used throughout the country.
The acts of aggression have included arson, home raids, loss of employment.
Even young children have not been spared from the attacks. Youths have also experienced extream bullying and threats as a result.
David A. Semonian, a spokesman at the Witnesses’ world headquarters, states: “Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are now even more concerned about our fellow worshippers in Russia. These disturbing events are clearly aftereffects of the Russian Supreme Court’s unjust decision against us. We have formally appealed this decision on May 19, 2017. This will give Russia another opportunity to end these unwarranted and unjustifiable actions against Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are also filing a complaint against the unjust imprisonment of our fellow worshipper, Dennis Christensen.”